The Truth of Forgiving the Past...

     The past cannot escape of who we are right now..right? Because of those experiences behind us comes the new version of us. Of who we are and what we do, on how we act and react to things, on how we think, response or on how we deal with things.
     All of us are products of our own past. It can either be from a good or bad pasts memories and or event. I want to point on the bad past in this blog. 
     People who tried to destroy others or hurt others might be coming from a trauma that they once experience. Some of those hurtful experiences might be a close friend who turned his back when you were in desperate situation or from a  traumatic experience from a separated parents or can be due to an unfortunate event that we really could not forget.
             From all of these bad slope in our life do we realize what effect they caused                         us? What did we do when we were in this difficult situation. How did we react and                   what lesson did we learn from it? Certainly every situation is different, some are                        not easy  to undergone through but out of all many people tried tto justn ignore
and let the pain make us numb??..WE may not know it but yes,in some way when we
say we get used to the pain, that whatever pain comes again we know that we can
surpass it because...WE are definitely NUMB, painless, no feelings at all.. that
we may even think when same things happen its ok, but its not ok!! just
means we didnt even care to forgive those people who hurt us, distracted us,
destroyed us, backstabbed on.. No!!...I forgive them..see i cant
feel that i hate them anymore, theres no pain, i moved on..but are we ready to
face them??..No, why would I..We're finished, we're done, what for,.. Now what
do we think??..Did we really moved on?? Did the pain really subsided??.. Or we
just put a wall in front of us..for others around us to see that we are strong,
that we are not affected anymore, that we moved on...but deep inside us, the
truth is WE ARE DEAD...
Now how can we say that..were ok!! I forgive
him/her/them..I moved on..How,when all people around us keep on hurting us or
they keep on reminding us of what our past experiences are..The answer is kneel
down. Yes, kneel down before God and accept our fault...what???..its not my
fault!! Its him/her/their fault...why am i going to ask for forgiveness before
God when I didnt even know my mistakes and FYI he/she/they should be the one who
kneel down to me!!.....Maybe its not us or maybe its us...HE knows...People cant
judge us,..we do judge each others but it doesnt count on..In HIS
presence..right?? WE cant even judge ourselves..Our body is not Ours..its HIS
body..HIS temple...why judge when its not ours..why own if were not the
owner...HE judges us..He owns us..HE creates us..How did we know?? theres no
evidence about that... like Charles Darwin???..How did you know if you cant see
HIM?.... But you can feel HIM..He provides all things for you..for us...He makes
all things possible when you, we,us are in the impossible situation...Our
friends,family,husband,wife,children..How can we be so happy without these
treasures?..How can we be so happy without forgiveness,
laughter,joy,hope,LOVE?...How can I forgive if I cant forget?...KNEEL DOWN and
you will know...Call and HE will answer...Ask and HE will provide...Cry and HE
will smile...Accept and HE will get inside of you..Learn and HE will show the
love you need for yourself,for others and for you


DaeguMom said…
My blog way back 2008..

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