Korean Immigration Integration Program

The Social Integration Program (KIIP: Korea Immigration and Integration Program) is a policy to allow foreigners who wish to gain Korean citizenship easily.

One main purpose of the said program is to provide support and knowledge to immigrants especially to foreigners married to korean (결혼 이민자).

This program allow them to quickly adapt to the Korean culture and integrate themselves into the social and local community with ease,through smooth communication with Korean citizens.

Secondly, and the biggest benefit of joining and completing this program is the Exemption from naturalization test and interview, Curtailment of naturalization review period that is giving additional points in case of changing status to F-2 (resident status for professionals) which is point-based and Exemptions from TOPIK (Test of Proficiency in Korean) when applying for permanent residence status (F-5-1).

The essential part of the program is for the immigrants to socially integrate and communicate easily to the citizens of korea especially of course to their husbands and husbands immediate family members.

The Korean Language Course and Understanding Korean Society - are the two main priority of the Korean Immigration Integration Program or KIIP.

The participants can go to (www.hikorea.go.kr). It is a foreign web portal for foreigners to those who cant read and undertand hangul to get more info regarding kiip.

You can directly visit (www.socinet.go.kr),this is the kiip website to join the program. To make it easier i will post step by step graph below...

Before joining however the KIIP officials are conducting a pre-assessment written test and interview to identify your level in korean language.

The levels are from level 0(low beginner)-to level 5(High Intermediate)..,After identifying which level are you,then you can enter the class. The class  course is about the Korean Language Understanding,Korean Society Basic Beginners 1,Beginners 2, Intermediate 1 and Intermediate 2.

The participants should be expected to complete the 250 hour course or else certificate will not be issued.

Here is an easy procedure for the application via socinet or kiip website,(i dont have any experience using hikorea,but it is in english so it will be easier^^)

1. Application to participate : Online application- go to www.socinet.go.kr)
2. Click 회원가입 and create an account.
3.Log on using your account and go to 사회통합프로그램
4.Under 사회통합ㅍ로그램,click 사회통합프로그램 신청..now you are about to apply
5.Then,the first question would be if you had experience learning korean before(you can click yes or no..)
*If you answered YES....then second question is for you*

The question is about where you had studied korean before and put the date and year when.(For the NO,answer just skip question)...now thats easy isnt it^^

Third question is,if you are going to join the pre-assessment test..click yes, if you dont know your level..., if you know your level(just mke sure you do)it is ok not to join.*just make sure you know your level or else youll end up joining the wrong class

6.Then read the guidelines and check the I Agree box...,

7.Then go to My page 마이 페이지 to make sure you have join,theres notification for sure when you succesfully joined.

Details to Note Before Participating in the Program -If you are unable to participate for more than 30 days due to unavoidable circumstances such as childbirth or treatment : you must submit an application to temporarily suspend the program at the educational institution in question within 15 days of the date of occurrence. Once the situation is over, you must return to complete the program and any completed courses or duration prior to the te
mporary suspension are transferrable.

- If you must change the educational institution of your choice because you moved or changed your address : you must submit an application to your new choice of educational institution within 30 days.

- If you are absent without permission for more than 30 days : the completed parts of the course you were taking will become null and invalid.

**Credits to www.multiculture.dibrary.net
**The KIIP program is now open for registration for 사회통합프로그래 third batch,until August 16,2013.Visit www.socinet.go.kr or www.hikorea.go.kr for more info.


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