Legislative Election Day (임시정부 수립일)

This April 13th, Wednesday marked as the legislative election day in South Korea. It is a nationwide voting day therefore all the public offices(some of the private as well), schools and some other establishments are all going to be close. South Korea's voting system is very easy and simple. There are booths set-up for people to go in to and they just have to stamp on the name of their desire candidate. One week before the election, the country has sent to all the electorates a letter size envelope. Inside the envelope are the ballots for voting. The electorates have to go to their nearest area offices called Dongsamuso, they also use elementary schools to set up voting booths if needed. The voting takes about 5 to 10minutes, of course it still varies depending on how fast your machine and a person is. Here are some of the photos.I took them on koreantimes.